Recommended Reading

Chapter 1: Magnetism

Feynman Lectures on Physics (Three Volumes)
by Richard Phillips Feynman

A must-have set of books for anyone interested in physics.

Driving Force: The Natural Magic of Magnets
by James D. Livingston

Written by someone who designed rare earth magnets at General Electric, this book is a readable, yet in-depth and up-to-date description of how magnets work, why the work, and what to do with them.

Chapter 2: Electromagnetism

Electricity and Magnetism (Berkeley Physics Course, Volume 2)
by Edward M. Purcell

A Nobel prize winner explains electricity and magnetism in a clear and intuitive manner. By the discoverer of nuclear magnetic resonance.

Blinkers and Buzzers: Building and Experimenting With Electricity and Magnetism
by Bernie Zubrowski, Roy Doty

Fun experiments for the younger set.

Janice Vancleave's Electricity: Mind-Boggling Experiments You Can Turn Into Science Fair Projects (Spectacular Science Project)
by Janice Vancleave

Turning science toys into science fair projects. Lots of good science fair ideas here.

Chapter 3: Electrochemistry

by A. Hamnett, C. H. Hamann, W. Vielstich

An introduction to electrochemistry.

Adventures in Electrochemistry
by Alfred Powell Morgan

Anything by Alfred Morgan is great. Aimed at kids with interests in science.

Chapter 4: Radio

1998 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs (75th Edition)
by Paul Danzer, Joel P. Kleinman, R. Dean Straw

The bible for amateur radio. All about radio waves, building radio transmitters and receivers, antennas, etc.

Chapter 5: Thermodynamics

Feynman Lectures on Physics: Mainly Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat
by Richard Phillips Feynman

A less expensive subset of lectures from Feynman Lectures on Physics.

Chapter 6: Aerodynamics

A History of Aerodynamics
by John D. Anderson

Learn about aerodynamics from the people who invented it.

Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies
by Holt Ashley, Marten Landahl

An inexpensive introduction to aerodynamics.

Chapter 7: Light and Optics

A Brief History of Light and Those That Lit the Way
by Richard J. Weiss

A history of the scientists who developed our understanding of light and optics. For a general audience.

Chapter 8: Biology

The Microscope and How to Use It
by Georg Stehli

A wonderful book for amateur microscopists. Many great illustrations and black and white photographs.

Adventures with a Microscope
by Richard Headstrom

A book about what you can see using a microscope. Many great hand drawn illustrations.

How to Know the Protozoa
by Theodore L. Jahn

A must-have book for finding out just what that critter is under your microscope. Taxonomic keys and detailed drawings tell how to distinguish one little animal from another.

The Guide to Microlife
by Kenneth G. Rainis and Bruce J. Russell

Another great book for identifying things you find in pond water. Many beautiful color photographs and in-depth descriptions of not just protozoa, but crustaceans, fungi, nematodes, and more.

by Klaus Hausmann and Norbert Hulsmann

For the more advanced reader, this book goes into the science more, and has many black and white electron microscope illustrations and phase contrast microscope photos.

Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa -- a Color Guide
by D. J. Patterson

Every page has a full color photograph and a hand drawing of the organism, making it extremely helpful in identifying what you brought home in the pond scum. Well worth the higher price. It even has a waterproof cover.

Illustrated Glossary of Protoctista
by Lynn Margulis

Get to know the language of protozoology. Wonderfully illustrated, the book explains the names of the creatures and their parts in stunning detail.

Chapter 9: Space Science

Amateur Radio Telescope
by George W. Swenson

A radio astronomy book for amateurs.

Easy and Fun Science

Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations
by Robert Ehrlich, Jearl Walker

Key concepts of physics demonstrations using everyday objects.

Why Toast Lands Jelly-Side Down: Zen and the Art of Physics Demonstrations
by Robert Ehrlich

More physics demonstrations using everyday objects.

Physics Tricks: Fun Experiments With Everyday Materials
by Terry Cash

Simple physics toys such as homemade thermometers, parachutes, burglar alarms, sundials, etc.

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